Them Babies

Boudreaux worked on an oil derrick out in the Gulf.  His wife was in the hospital expecting a baby any day. 

One morning she calls:

Wife:  Hey Boudreaux, I done had them babies.

Boudreaux:  What do you mean them babies?

Wife: Yeah, I had twins, a boy and a girl.

Bourdreaux.  That’s awesome, how y’all doing?

Wife:  We’re all healthy.

Boudreaux:  That’s great.  What did you name them children?

Wife:  I thought and I thought and I just couldn’t think of any good names, so I let your brother name them.

Boudreaux: Oh no, my brother is a moron.  But, ok.  What did he name my little girl?

Wife:  Denise

Boudreaux:  That’s a nice name.  What did he call my little boy?

Wife:  De Nephew. 

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